The basic concept for the development of the territory is a complex landscape complex with developed infrastructure for servicing a group of cottage villages, including the adjoining village of Ecopark Ushakovo, which dictates the most correct attitude to the surrounding territory and its landscape, leaving the status of an “environmentally friendly” region.
The complex includes: Avanpost Istra horse base, hippotherapeutic sports and fitness center, exemplary peasant farm, Sustainable Village, restaurant and hotel complex, the territory of the existing forest area under the landscape Ecopark, camping, arboretum, yachts club, fruit and fruit orchards specially organized by the terraces. The whole territory is interconnected by hiking trails and horse trails with minimal use of vehicles on the territory

Sports and leisure center "Small Ushakovo" in the Istra Valley (implemented)

Sports and leisure center "Small Ushakovo" in the Istra Valley (implemented)

Sports and leisure center "Small Ushakovo" in the Istra Valley (implemented)

Sports and leisure center "Small Ushakovo" in the Istra Valley (implemented)

Sports and leisure center "Small Ushakovo" in the Istra Valley (implemented)

Sports and leisure center "Small Ushakovo" in the Istra Valley (implemented)

Sports and leisure center "Small Ushakovo" in the Istra Valley (implemented)

Sports and leisure center "Small Ushakovo" in the Istra Valley (implemented)

Sports and leisure center "Small Ushakovo" in the Istra Valley (implemented)