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Polina Nozdracheva

Polina Nozdracheva

Polina Nozdracheva - architect, urban designer, CEO of ALPN Ltd. As main architect, Polina creates different scale & level objects is realizing in accordance with international quality standards. Many projects are taking part in large-scale exhibitions & competitions, and awarded. High professionalism and obligation of respecting precious client`s time resources characterize her work process methods most closely.



2001, Postgraduate course on Sustainable Building and Urban Design, IHS, Rotterdam /the Netherlands;
2000, Urban designer, TCPSS, Royal Town Planning Institute, St. Andrews/Great Britain;
1997, architect, excellent diploma, Urban planning departure, MArhI, Moscow/Russia.



2005-present - CEO, Chief architect, ALPN Ltd., Moscow/Russia
1997-2013 - the Lecturer of Moscow Architectural Institute, Urban Planning department, Moscow/Russia



2007, "Capital cities. The development of Moscow riverside space (International laboratory of Urban planning)", digest "Architectural science and education. Thesis of reports from scientific conference of 2006, Arhitektura-C, Moscow/Russia;
2005, "Multi-functional development of riverside space", digest "Architectural science and education. Thesis of reports from scientific conference of 2005", Arhitektura-C, Moscow/Russia;
2004, «The construction of Moscow on the water», “Portus” magazine (Italy);
2004, "Aquatories and their part in forming of urban system", "Questions of city planning and building", Penza/Russia;
2003, "Trends of development of waterfront in city`s structure", collection "Architectural science and education in MARHI. Works of Moscow architectural conference", December, 2003, Moscow/Russia;
2002, Urban development, Transformation and socio-cultural changes in towns divided by water, 19th-20th centuries», Edinburgh/Scotland;
2001, Sustainable Development in Existing Urban Area. Central Waterfront in Moscow, Russia (Final report), Rotterdam/the Netherlands;
2001, Reconstruction and ecologically stable development project of Charlois, Rotterdam/the Netherlands; etc.



2019, "A'DESIGN AWARD, winning entries 2018-2019", 463 Pages, DESIGNER PRESS Edition, COMO/ITALY, ISBN 978-88-97977-25-4;
2017, "A'DESIGN AWARD, winning entries 2016-2017", 404 Pages, DESIGNER PRESS Edition, COMO/ITALY, ISBN 978-88-97977-44-5;
2005, "Fundamentals of dynamic shaping in architecture"/Saprikina N.A., 312 Pages, "Architecture-C" Edition, MOSCOW/RUSSIA, ISBN 5-9647-0042-X.


2011, Workshop in Batumi, lecturer and tutor of design section, Georgia; 
2006, Seminar “Waterfront as One of the Urban Planning Element in History and Development of Moscow City”, Istanbul/Turkey;
2005, Master-class, jury of «Tourcoing. Urban Revival». IX Workshop, Lille/France;
2005,The head of workshop for students of Berlage Institute (the Netherlands), "World Waterfront. Capital cities, Waterfront development in Moscow city", Moscow/Russia; 
2003, International workshop "Vision for Riga's Suburb Maskavas Forstate ("Maskachka")", Riga, Latvia; etc.


2006, Conference "New tendency in architecture of the beginning of III century". Оorganizers: Architectural board of Central and Eastern Europe, Romualdo del Bianco Fund. Program of International integration 2006 – 2007", Firenze, Italy;
2006, lecture for seminar “Waterfront as One of the Urban Planning Element in History and Development of Moscow City”, Istanbul/Turkey;
2003, «La ligne littorale - une zone dе contact de la ville avec un plan d’eau», materials of VIII International Conference of Architectural schools of France and Eastern Europe, Sofia/Bulgaria;
2003, "Aquatories and their part in forming of urban system", collection "Architectural science and education. Works of Moscow architectural institute", vol.1, Moscow/Russia;
2002, "Ligne riveraine ou cotiиre d’une ville postindustrielle. Un espace urbain moderne crее sur les rives de Moscou", materials of VII International Conference of Architectural schools of France and Eastern Europe, Lille/France;
2000, Lecture «The Moskva-river in the Life of the City», Town and Country Planning Summer School (TCPSS), St. Andrews/Scotland; etc.


2017/2018/2019 - DA'S, Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category;
2017, World Design Consortium, Creative Partner, member ID #18531783;
2017, IAD, International Association of Designers, No A140045;
2017, IDC, International Design Club, ID#140044-2017;
2017, ISPM, International Society of Product Manufacturers, No 140042;
2017, IBSP, International Bureau of Service Providers, No.140041;
2017, ICCI, International Council of Creative Industries, No.M140043;
2017, AIBA, Alliance of International Business Associations, No.139641;
2002, Union of Moscow architects, Moscow/Russia;
2000, corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences of Natural and Society, Moscow/Russia.

© 2005 by ALPN Ltd. 

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